
T.J. Lavin , Age, Height, Net Worth wiki & Biography Family, &More

T.J. Lavin is a name that conjures up visions of extreme sports and adrenaline-fueled adventure. For the past two decades, Lavin has made himself into a household name as a professional cyclist, host of MTV's The Challenge, and ESPN commentator. His continuous enthusiasm for pushing the boundaries of extreme sports have made him a fan favorite of lovers of the extreme. As his extreme sports career grows, so has his celebrity status and net worth. Early Beginnings Lavin’s passion for extreme sports began as a young boy. At the ripe age of 10, Lavin had already dove into BMX and skateboarding and was on his way to becoming a world-class extreme sports athlete. By the ripe old age of 18, he had won the National Bicycle League’s Pro Cruiser West Region Championships, the Dirt Jump course at the 2001 Gravity Games, and the X Games First Annual Street Competition -- solidifying his place in the world of extreme sports.  The Turn to Television Lavin’s fame began to expand even further in